The Tiny Home Gym

Win the morning

Win the morning - The Power of a Morning Routine

athletic girl doing stretching after a great jog at sunrise win the morning

Win the morning – The power of a morning routine

We have all heard it ‘win the morning – win the day’

Having a morning routine can help you start your day in the right way to kick you off focused and ready to go to whatever the day brings.

I like to start my day by doing 15 minutes of mindfulness and breathing followed by 5 minutes of the below exercise routine:

  • 50 x Pushups
  • 50 x Side crunches
  • 50 x Situps
  • 50 x Plank seconds
  • 50 x Kettle bells swings
  • 50 x Kettle bell deadlifts
Following this I like to have a large jar of warm water with a lemon squeezed in for a vitamin c kick.
Later I will make some herbal tea and intermittent fast until breakfast late in the morning.
How do you start your day? What simple exercise routine can you start your day with?
Or if this is new how can you start your day to win the morning?
Start small and build up to a routine that can fit in with you most days.
Good luck! 🙂